Foskolos I., Alexiadou P., Koutouzi N., Frey S., Thompson K.F., Boisseau O., Frantzis A. 2023.
Insights into the distribution and ingestion of prey-like plastic fishing lures in Mediterranean rough-toothed dolphins.
Marine Pollution Bulletin 188: 114701.
4.35 MB
Violi B., de Jong M.J., Frantzis A., Alexiadou P., Tardy C., Ody D., de Stephanis R., Giménez J., Lucifora G., Silva M.A., Oliveira C., Alves F., Dinis A., Tejedor M., Fernández A., Arregui M., Arbelo M., Lopez A., Covelo P., Hoelzel R.A. 2023.
Genomics reveal the role of admixture in the evolution of structure among sperm whale populations within the Mediterranean Sea.
Molecular Ecology 32: 2715–2731.
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Onoufriou A.B., Gaggiotti O.E., Aguilar de Soto N., McCarthy M.L., Morin P.A., Rosso M., Dalebout M., Davison N., Baird R.W., Baker C.S., Berrow S., Brownlow A., Burns D., Caurant F., Claridge D., Constantine R., Demaret F., Dreyer S., Ðuras M., Durban J., Frantzis A., Freitas L., Genty G., Galov A., SHansen S.S., Kitchener A.C., Martin V., Mignucci-Giannoni A.A., Montano V., Moulins A., Olavarría C., Poole M.M., Suárez C.R., Rogan E., Ryan C., Schiavi A., Tepsich P., Urban J., West K., Olsen M.T., Carroll E.L. 2022.
Biogeography in the deep: Hierarchical population genomic structure of two beaked whale species.
Global Ecology and Conservation 40: e02308.
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Glarou M., Gero S., Frantzis A., Brotons J.M., Vivier F., Alexiadou P., Cerdà M, Pirotta E., Christiansen F. 2022.
Estimating body mass of sperm whales from aerial photographs.
Mar Mam Sci. 38(4): 1-23. DOI: 10.1111/mms.12982
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Skarsoulis E.K., Piperakis G.S., Orfanakis E., Papadakis P., Pavlidi D., Kalogerakis M.A., Alexiadou P., Frantzis A. 2022.
A Real-Time Acoustic Observatory for Sperm-Whale Localization in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 873888. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.873888

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Cipriani P., Palomba M., Giulietti L., Marcer F., Mazzariol S., Santoro M., Alburqueque1 R.A., Covelo P., López A., Santos M.B., Pierce G.J., Brownlow A., Davison N.J., McGovern11 B., Frantzis A., Alexiadou P., Højgaard D.P., Mikkelsen B., Paoletti M., Nascetti G., Levsen A., Mattiucci S. 2022.
Distribution and genetic diversity of Anisakis spp. in cetaceans from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.
Scientific Reports 12: 13664.
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Foskolos I., Koutouzi Ν., Polychronidis L., Alexiadou P., Frantzis A. 2020.
A taste for squid: the diet of sperm whales stranded in Greece, Eastern Mediterranean.
Deep-Sea Research I 155: 103164.
Frantzis A., Leaper R., Alexiadou P., Prospathopoulos A., Lekkas D. 2019.
Shipping routes through core habitat of endangered sperm whales along the Hellenic Trench, Greece: can we reduce collision risks?
PLoS ONE 14(2): e0212016:1-21.
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Alexiadou P., Foskolos I., Frantzis A. 2019.
Ingestion of macroplastics by odontocetes of the Greek Seas, Eastern Mediterranean: Often deadly!
Marine Pollution Bulletin 146: 67–75.
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Diogou, N., Klinck, H., Frantzis, A., Nystuen, J., Papathanassiou, E., Katsanevakis, S. 2019.
Year-round acoustic presence of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) and baseline ambient ocean sound levels in the Greek Seas.
Mediterranean Marine Science 20(1): 208-221.
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Bernaldo de Quiros Y., Fernandez A., Baird R. W., Brownell Jr R. L., Aguilar de Soto N., Allen D., Arbelo M., Arregui M., Costidis A., Fahlman A., Frantzis A., Gulland F. M. D., Iñíguez M., Johnson M., Komnenou A., Koopman H., Pabst D. A., Roe W. D., Sierra1 E., Tejedor M. and Schorr G. 2019.
Advances in research on the impacts of anti-submarine sonar on beaked whales
Proc. R. Soc. B 286: 20182533.
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Frantzis, A. 2018.
A long and deep step in range expansion of an alien marine mammal in the Mediterranean: First record of the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin Sousa plumbea (G. Cuvier, 1829) in the Greek Seas.
BioInvasions Records 7(1): 83–87.
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Antoniou A., Frantzis A., Alexiadou P., Paschou N., Poulakakis N. 2018.
Witnessing the rise or fall of a species: introgressive hybridization of Stenella coeruleoalba and Delphinus delphis in Greece.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 129: 325–337.

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Skarsoulis E.K., Piperakis G., Kalogerakis M., Orfanakis E., Papadakis P., Dosso S.E., Frantzis A. 2018.
Underwater Acoustic Pulsed Source Localization with a Pair of Hydrophones.
Remote Sensing 10(6):883, pp. 29.
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Mannocci L., Roberts J.J., Halpin P.N., Authier M., Boisseau O., Bradai M.N., Cañadas A., Chicote C., David L., Di-Méglio N., Fortuna C., Frantzis A., Gazo M., Genov T., Hammond P., Holcer D., Kaschner K., Kerem D., Lauriano G., Lewis T., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S., Raga J.A., Scheinin A., Ridoux V., Vella A., Vella J. 2018.
Assessing cetacean surveys throughout Mediterranean Sea: a gap analysis in environmental space.
Scientific Reports 8:3126.
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Cañadas , Aguilar de Soto N., Aissi M., Arcangeli A., Azzolin M, B-Nagy A., Bearzi G., Campana I., Chicote C., Cotte C., Crosti R., David L., Di Natale A., Fortuna C., Frantzis A., Garcia P., Gazo M., Gutierrez-Xarxa R., Holcer D., Laran S., Lauriano G., Lewis T., Moulins A., Mussi B., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S., Pastor X., Politi E., Pulcini M., Raga J.A., Rendell L., Rosso M., Tepsich P., Tomas J., Tringali M., Roger Th. 2017.
The challenge of habitat modelling for threatened low density species using heterogeneous data: the case of Cuvier's beaked whales in the Mediterranean.
Ecological Indicators 85: 128–36.
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Sini M., Katsanevakis S., Koukourouvli N., Gerovasileiou V., Dailianis T., Buhl-Mortensen .L, Damalas D., Dendrinos P., Dimas X., Frantzis A., Gerakaris V., Giakoumi S., Gonzalez-Mirelis G., Hasiotis T., Issaris Y., Kavadas S.G., Koutsogiannopoulos D.D., Koutsoubas D., Manoutsoglou E., Markantonatou V., Mazaris A.D., Poursanidis D., Papatheodorou G., Salomidi M., Topouzelis K., Trygonis V., Vassilopoulou V., Zotou M. 2017.
Assembling Ecological Pieces to Reconstruct the Conservation Puzzle of the Aegean Sea.
Front. Mar. Sci 4:347.
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Foskolos, I., Tourgeli Provata, M., Frantzis, A. 2017.
First record of Conchoderma auritum (cirripedia: lepadidae) on Ziphius cavirostris (Cetacea: ziphiidae) in Greece.
Annales Ser. hist. nat. 27(1): 29–34.
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Milani, C., Vella, A., Vidoris, P., Christidis, A., Koutrakis, E., Frantzis, A., Miliou, A., Kallianiotis, A. 2017.
Cetacean stranding and diet analyses in the North Aegean Sea (Greece).
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom : 1–18. doi:10.1017/S0025315417000339
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Giannoulaki, M., Markoglou, E., Valavanis, V.D., Alexiadou P., Cucknell, A.C., Frantzis, A. 2017.
Linking small pelagic fish and cetacean distribution to model suitable habitat for coastal dolphin species, Delphinus delphis and Tursiops truncatus, in the Greek Seas (Eastern Mediterranean).
Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 27: 436–451.
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Rendell, L., Frantzis, A., 2016.
Mediterranean sperm whales, Physeter macrocephalus: The precarious state of a lost tribe
in: Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Podestà, M., Curry, B.E. (Eds.), Mediterranean Marine Mammals Ecology and Conservation. Adv. Mar. Biol. 75, Elsevier, pp. 37–74.

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Podestà, M., Azzellino, A., Cañadas, A., Frantzis, A., Moulins, A., Rosso, M., Tepsich, P., Lanfredi, C., 2016.
Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) presence and threats in the Mediterranean Sea
in: Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., Podestà, M., Curry, B.E. (Eds.), Mediterranean Marine Mammals Ecology and Conservation. Adv. Mar. Biol. 75, Elsevier, pp. 103–140.

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Cucknell A-C., Frantzis A., Boisseau O., Romagosa M., Ryan C., Tonay A.M., Alexiadou P., Öztürk A.A., Moscrop A. 2016.
Harbour porpoises in the Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean: the species’ presence is confirmed.
Marine Biodiversity Records 9:72, 13 p.
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Gaspari S., Scheinin A., Holcer D., Caterina C., Natali C., Genov T., Frantzis A, Chelazzi G., Moura A.E. 2015.
Drivers of population structure of the bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Evolutionary Biology 42: 177–190.
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Gaspari S., Holcer D., Caterina C., Frantzis A, Genov T., Vighi M., Natali C., Mackelworth P., Rako M., Chelazzi ., Ciofi C. 2015.
Population genetic structure of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Adriatic Sea and contiguous regions: implications for international conservation.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 25: 212-222. |
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Frantzis A., Alexiadou P., Gkikopoulou K.C. 2014.
Sperm whale occurrence, site fidelity and social organization along the Hellenic Trench (Greece, Mediterranean Sea).
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24(Suppl. 1): 83-102.
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Caprinelli E., Gauffier P., Verborgh P., Airoldi S., David L., Di-Méglio N., Cañadas A., Frantzis A., Rendell L., Lewis T., Mussi B., Pace D. S. , de Stephanis R. 2014.
Assessing sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) movements within the western Mediterranean Sea through photo-identification.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24(Suppl. 1): 23-30. |
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Issaris Y., Katsanevakis S., Pantazi M., Vassilopoulou V., Panayotidis P., Kavadas S., Kokkali A., Salomidi M., Frantzis A., Panou A., Damalas D., Klaoudatos D., Sakellariou D., Drakopoulou V., Kyriakidou C., Maina I., Fric J., Smith C., Giakoumi S., Karris G. 2012.
Ecological mapping and data quality assessment for the needs of ecosystem-based marine spatial management: case study Greek Ionian Sea and the adjacent gulfs.
Mediterranean Marine Science 13(2): 297-311. |
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Giakoumi S., Katsanevakis S.,Vassilopoulou V., Panayotidis P., Kavadas S., Issaris Y., Kokkali A., Frantzis A., Panou A., Mavromati G., 2012.
Could European marine conservation policy benefit from systematic conservation planning?.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 22: 762-775.
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Fontaine M.C., Alodie Snirc A., Frantzis A., Koutrakis E., Birkun A. Jr., Ozturk B., Ozturk A.A., Austerlitz F., 2012.
A history of expansion and anthropogenic collapse in a top marine predator of the Black Sea estimated from genetic data.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109(38): E2569–E2576.
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Mazzariol S., Di Guardo G., Marsili L., Fossi C., Leonzio C., Petrella A., Ferrante M., Airoldi S., Frantzis A., De Beraldo Quiros Y.M., Pavan G., Podesta M., Garibaldi F., Vizzini S., Gaspari S., Zizzo N., Traversa D., Marcer F., Cozzi B., Fernandez A. 2011.
Sometimes sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) cannot find their way back to the high seas: a multidisciplinary study on a mass stranding.
PLoS ONE 6(5): e19417 :1-17.
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Frantzis A., Airoldi S., Notarbartolo-di-Sciara G., Johnson C., Mazzariol S., 2011.
Inter-basin movements of Mediterranean sperm whales provide insight into their population structure and conservation
Deep-Sea Research I58: 454-459.
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Johnson G., Frantzis A., Johnson C., Alexiadou V., Ridgway S., Madsen P.T., 2010.
Evidence that sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) calves suckle through their mouth.
Marine Mammal Science 26 (4): 990-996.
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Engelhaupt D., Hoelzel R., Nicholson C, Frantzis A., Mesnick S., Gero S., Whitehead H., Rendell L., Miller P., de Stephanis R., Canadas A., Airoldi S., Mignucci-Giannoni A., 2009.
Female philopatry in coastal basins and male dispersion across the North Atlantic in a highly mobile marine species, the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus).
Molecular Ecology. 18: 4193 -4205.
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Frantzis A., Alexiadou P., 2008.
Male sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) coda production
and coda-type usage depend on the presence of conspecifics and the
behavioural context Can. J. Zool. 86: 62-75. |
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Viaud-Martinnez K.A., Martinnez Vergara M., Gol'din
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Morphological and genetic differentiation of the Black Sea harbour
porpoise Phocoena phocoena Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.
338: 281-294. |
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Frantzis A., 2007.
Fisheries interactions with cetacean species in Hellas
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Tserpes G. (editors). State of Hellenic fisheries. Hellenic Centre
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Mendes S., Newton J., Reid R.J., Frantzis
A., Pierce G.J., 2007.
Stable isotope profiles in sperm whale teeth: variations between areas
and sexes J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 87(2): 621-627. |
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Weir C.R., Frantzis A., Alexiadou
P., Goold J.C., 2007.
The burst-pulse nature of 'squeal' sounds emitted by sperm whales
(Physeter macrocephalus) J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K.
87(1): 39-46.
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Woodside J.M., David L., Frantzis
A., Hooker S.K., 2006.
Gouge marks on deep sea mud volcanoes in the eastern Mediterranean:
caused by Cuvier's beaked whales? Deep-Sea Research I. 53:
1762 -1771.
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Wahlberg M., Frantzis A., Alexiadou
P., Madsen P.T., Mohl B., 2005.
Click production during breathing in a sperm whale (Physeter
macrocephalus) (L).
JASA (The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America) 118(6): 3404-3407.
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Dalebout M.L., Robertson K.M.,
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Mignucci-Giannoni A.A., Rosario-Delestre R.J., Baker S.C., 2005.
Worldwide structure of mtDNA diversity among Cuvier's beaked whales
(Ziphius cavirostris): implications for threatened populations
Molecular Ecology. 14: 3353-3371.
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Frantzis A., Nikolaou O., Bompar J.-M.,
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Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) occurrence in the
Mediterranean Sea. The Journal of Cetacean Research Management.
6(1): 25-28. |
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Gordon J.C.D., Gillespie D., Potter
J, Frantzis A., Simmonds M., Swift R., Thompson D., 2004.
A review of the effects of Seismic Survey on Marine Mammals.
Marine Technology Society Journal. 37(4): 14-34.
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Frantzis A., Alexiadou P., Paximadis
G., Politi E., Gannier A., Corsini-Foka M., 2003.
Current knowledge of the cetacean fauna of the Greek Seas. The
Journal of Cetacean Research Management. 5(3): 219-232. |
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Bearzi G., Reeves R., Notarbartolo-DiI-Sciara
G., Politi E., Canadas A., Frantzis A., MussiI B., 2003.
Ecology, status and conservation of short-beaked common dolphins Delphinus
delphis in the Meditarranean Sea. Mammal Review, 33(3):
224-252. |
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Rosel P.E., Frantzis A., Lockyer C.,
Komnenou A., 2003.
The Source of Aegean Sea harbour porpoises. Marine Ecology
Progress Series 247: 257-261. |
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Φραντζής Α. και Αλεξιάδου
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Τα κητώδη των Ελληνικών Θαλασσών.
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6, 156 pp.
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E.K., Taroudakis M.I, Kandia V., 2002.
Clicks from Cuvier’s beaked whales, Ziphius cavirostris.
JASA (The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America)
112(1): 34-37. |
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Frantzis A.
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Mixed-species associations of striped dolphins
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delphis) and Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus)
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Mammals 28(2): 188-197. |
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A., Gordon J., Hassidis G., Komnenou A., 2001.
The enigma of harbor porpoise presence in the Mediterranean Sea.
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A., 1998.
Does acoustic testing strand whales?
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Τα ευρήματα της παραπάνω δημοσίευσης: 1) μεταδόθηκαν παγκοσμίως
μαζί με συνεντεύξεις του συγγραφέα από το Reuters, το CNN, BBC World Service,
το ABC News, τους Times, το Economist, την Guardian και δεκάδες άλλα διεθνή και ελληνικά
ΜΜΕ, 2) ανάγκασαν το ΝΑΤΟ να παγώσει τις ακουστικές στρατιωτικές
δοκιμές και να οργανώσει μια διεθνή επιστημονική συνάντηση (Ιούνιος
1998) σχετικά με: α) την επίδραση των στρατιωτικών sonars χαμηλής
συχνότητας στα θαλάσσια θηλαστικά και β) την χάραξη περιβαλλοντικής
πολιτικής του ΝΑΤΟ και την λήψη μέτρων για την προστασία των θαλάσσιων
θηλαστικών. |
180 KB |
Frantzis A., Leaper R., Alexiadou P., Lekkas D., 2015. Update on sperm whale ship strike risk in the Hellenic Trench, Greece. Greece. Paper presented to IWC Scientific Committee, San Diego, CA, USA, 22 May-3 June 2015, SC/66a/HIM06.
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Frantzis, A., Leaper, R., Alexiadou P., & Lekkas, D. (2014). Distribution patterns of sperm whales in relation
to shipping density in the Hellenic Trench, Greece. Paper presented to IWC Scientific Committee, Bled,
Slovenia, 12-24 May 2014, SC/65b/HIM07
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Mazzariol S., Petrella A., Troiano G., Leonzio G., Maristella G., Marcer F., Vizzini S., Gaspari S., Pavan G., Podesta M., Marsili L.,
Fossi M. C., Zizzo N., Chiara C., Frantzis A., Beraldo de Quiros M., Fernandez A., Pennelli M., Traversa Donato13, Di Guardo G., 2011.
A multidisciplinary investigion of a sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) mass stranding in Italy.
25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society.
Cadiz, Spain, 22-24 March 2011, Abstract book, pp. XX
Perez-Gil M., Martin V., Servidio A., Tejedor M., Brederlau B., Brito R., Varo N., Neves S., Perez E., Frantzis A., 2010.
Preliminary results of the first census of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in the Canary Archipelago.
24th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society.
Stralsund, Germany, 22-24 March 2010, Abstract book, pp. 192.
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Φραντζής Α., 2008. Ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα: Φυσητήρες των Ελληνικών θαλασσών.
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Agardy T., Aguilar N., Canadas
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Puerto-Calero, Lanzarote, Spain, 4-6 June 2007, pp. 44 pages.

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Rendell L., Alexiadou P., Mussi
B., Miragliuolo A., Frantzis A., 2007.
Coda diversity in Mediterranean sperm whales.
21st Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society
Donostia, Spain, 23-25 April 2007, Abstract book, pp. 25.
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Brownell R. L. Jr., Mead J. G., Van Helden A.
L., Yamada T. K., Frantzis A., 2005.
Worldwide mass strandings of beaked whales: retrospective review
and causes.
19th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society and associated
La Rochelle, France, 2-7 April 2005, Abstract book, pp. 17-18.
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Notarbartolo Di Sciara G., Bearzi
G., Canadas A., Frantzis A., 2004.
High mortality of sperm whales in the north-western Mediterranean,
Paper SC/56/BC10 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee., 10
July 2004, Sorrento, Italy, pp. 3.
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Skarsoulis E. K., Frantzis A., Kalogerakis
M., 2004.
Passive localization of pulsed sound sources with a 2-hydrophone array.
In: " Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Underwater
Acoustics, ECUA 2004". 5-8 July, 2004, Delft, The Netherlands
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The first mass stranding that was associated with the use of active
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Φραντζής Α., 2003.
Η εμπειρία από την έρευνα σχετικά με τα κητώδη.
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Ιούνιος 2003. Εθνικό Κέντρο Θαλασσίων Ερευνών. |
Φραντζής Α., Αλεξιάδου
Π., Σκαρσουλής Εμ., 2002.
Ήχοι κητωδών από τις Ελληνικές Θάλασσες και πρώτη καταγραφή του
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Παθητικός εντοπισμός υποβρύχιων παλμικών πηγών με συστοιχία δύο
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Review of Collisions in the Mediterranean
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and vessels: can
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Frantzis A.,
2001. Sperm whales: The
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Astronautica, 49(3-10): 557-561. |
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Frantzis A.,
Alexiadou P., Politi E., Gannier A., Corsini-Foka M., 2001.
Cetacean fauna of the Greek Seas: Unexpectedly
high species diversity. In: European
Research on Cetaceans - 15. Proc. 15th Ann. Conf. ECS, Rome, Italy.
European Cetacean Society, pp. 421-425. |
Frantzis A.,
Swift R., Gillespie D., Menhennett C., Gordon J., Gialinakis S.,
2000. Sperm whale presence
off South-West Crete, Greece, Eastern Mediterranean Sea.
In: European Research on Cetaceans - 13.
Proc. 13th Ann. Conf. ECS, Valencia, 20-24 April, 1999, pp. 214-217. |
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Frantzis A.,
2000. Cetaces dans les
eaux de Grece. In: 8ieme Conference
Internationale pour la Protection des Mammiferes Marins en Mediterranee
Occidentale. Sophia-Antipolis, France, 19-21 Novembre 1999, pp.
45-46. |
Frantzis A.,
Cebrian, D., 1999. A
rare, atypical mass stranding of Cuvier's beaked whales. Cause and
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